Tag: South Africa

Non-communicable diseases in developing countries

This article will talk about the problem of non-communicable disease (NCD’s) in developing countries in general and in South Africa. As my Master thesis was dealing mainly with the topic of NCDs and nutrition I was able to gain some valuable insights into this area and would like to share some facts and thoughts.

NCDs – What are they again?

First, let me start with some facts. Non-communicable diseases, or chronic diseases, are best described as not be able to spread from one person to another. Cancer, diabetes, pulmonary diseases, and cardio vascular conditions count under this category. They also share the same risk factors mostly related to an unhealthy lifestyle. Read More

While Europeans have invented the watch, Africans have invented the time

When travelling to any country in Africa, you will encounter a huge difference regarding the perception of time – or how many call it you will get to know the ‘African time’.

Of course as a German I grew up with the very true cliché that being on time is a crucial behaviour if not a well-kept value. I like to think about myself as a relaxed person but sometimes I catch myself getting nervous if I realise I will be five minutes late for a meeting or appointment. A habit infused to me by my culture but that I learned to let go immediately when I lived and travelled to the African continent.

To get this out of the way: I do not blame Africans for being lazy or sloppy. The contrary is true! I rarely met people working so hard to make a living. However, even if people are having a tough live with little money and difficult living conditions they keep relaxed and do not panic when something does not go as planned. Read More

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